Tag: importance

Renewable Energy Solutions and Their Importance in the Modern World

Renewable energy solutions are derived from naturally occurring sources that can be replenished. This includes solar, geothermal, wind and hydroelectric power. In contrast, non-renewable energy sources such as coal and oil are derived from materials that can run out once they have been extracted and used in different applications. Renewable energy is clean or green energy since it is considered environmentally friendly and does not produce pollution.
Sources of Renewable Energy
The largest source of renewable energy is hydroelectric power. This type of energy is produced when the kinetic energy of moving water is harnessed to turn turbines and produce electricity. Another form of renewable energy is wind energy, which also harnesses the kinetic power of the wind to turn turbines and produce energy. Solar power is derived from the sun’s light and heat. Biomass is the oldest and most common form of renewable energy.